Today was mine and Phil's 4th wedding anniversary. We woke up to snow in Raleigh on our wedding day, and since then, every anniversary has had extreme weather ... today it snowed and sleeted in Tucson!
We are so happy together, we really are best friends, and are so lucky to have been blessed with our beautiful baby girl. We've come so far, and have much further to go!
We had a wonderful time celebrating Jennifer's first Christmas! She had on her Christmas pajamas, but they got a little messy before we got any pictures! It was nice to get to have a relaxing day with just the three of us, but we really hope we are closer to our families next year. Jennifer loves all her presents ... she especially loved playing with the wrapping paper!
Nana and Papa are here visiting Jennifer, she's having a lot of fun with them! She's been rolling over a ton and tried cereal for the first time last night.
Thanks to Gramma and Grampa for Jennifer's new comfy playtime mat! She loves having a bigger place where she can have lots of toys and roll around, and I love having a place to put her down : )
Jennifer looks so cute today wearing the outfit that my mom and Phil's mom used as the centerpiece at my baby shower, I couldn't resist some pictures : )
We went to a friend's house for Thanksgiving and Jennifer was so interested in what everyone was doing that she only took one nap that lasted maybe 30 minutes! There was another little baby there who was only 3 days younger than Jen, so it was cute to see them together. We had a great Thanksgiving, and I cheated on my lactose-free diet and got to have dairy ... fortunately, since Jennifer decided she didn't want to have anything to do with a bottle, it didn't hurt her little tummy : )
Jennifer rolled over for the first time last night!! We got her actually rolling over on video, she was having a hard time because she kept getting stopped by the side of her gym, but she put her leg around it and used it as leverage to get herself all the way over ... she's so smart : ) (Yes, the cat got to the yoga mat and scratched it all up! I guess it's time for us to get something bigger for Jennifer to play on since she's becoming mobile)
There was a "terrorist attack" at Davis-Monthan and Tucson Swat had to rescue Phil from the gym and take him to Tucson Medical Center ... luckily he's a-ok : )
Ok, so the "terrorist attack" was a training exercise and this head injury is totally fake, but when Phil walked in the door looking like this I freaked out for a second! It looked so real! Enough about that ... back to Jennifer ...