Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Jennifer, Phil, and I enjoyed our first Christmas back in North Carolina! Jennifer had lots of fun opening all her presents Christmas morning ... although once she opened up a new pack of crayons she had to take a little coloring break! Crayons are by far her favorite thing right now. Phil and I hosted Christmas morning at our new house ... we had brunch complete with pumpkin spice lattes (homemade!) and mimosas. Even though we still have a lot of boxes to unpack, it was so nice being able to have everyone over to our place!
There are many more Christmas pictures to come, we're going to be working on unpacking and setting up the office tomorrow and once we get the desktop set up it'll be a million times easier for us to upload our pictures. For some reason our camera and my laptop don't get along. I'm really going to try to get back on track with posting lots of pictures on the blog again in the New Year!


Unknown said...

awwww.... this is the sweetest video!

Seth said...

What a neat present! I loved seeing the video-we miss you girls.