Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer fun*

Jennifer's last day of her first year of preschool was June 7th and we've been staying busy ever since!

Jennifer really loved her first year of preschool and I wanted to post these pictures to show how much she's grown and changed...

First day of preschool, August 2011

With her friends Maris and Avery in their classroom, June 2012

She has really been missing her friends this summer! We've been seeing a lot of her friends at play dates and birthday parties, but she's ready to go back to school to be with them... and Phil and I are glad she likes school so much!

Jennifer had her first ballet recital and she was so excited to get to dance "on the big stage" ... her class danced to Sugar Sugar by The Archies and it was so stinkin cute!! We ordered the DVD from her dance studio, I can't wait to get it so she can see herself on stage.

After the recital with her friends Kayla and Hadley in their adorable costumes!

Zach has been busy too ... he's decided that he likes food now and is getting fruits or veggies twice a day. He loves trying to keep up with big sister but hates tummy time - if it was up to him he'd jump up and run off and skip crawling all together. He got to have his first class at The Little Gym last week and he loved it! Hopefully getting to hang out with other babies will encourage him to want to crawl!

Zach loves the parachute, the balls, and the bubbles at The Little Gym!

So far our summer is off to a super fun start! We're looking forward to more trips to the lake, swimming at the pool with friends, and play dates to the museum, BounceU, indoor playgrounds, and any other fun places we can find in the air conditioning ; )

Jennifer and her friend Maris taking a snack break at the pool

Zach had too much fun playing in the water!

We like to hit the park in the mornings when it's a little cooler

Sweet Zach sleeping so peacefully*

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