Friday, January 16, 2009


Jennifer gets to eat real food now! The first food she got was avocado ... she loved it! She's also had sweet potato and banana. She's so excited to be eating real food (besides just the plain old cereal), she grabs at the spoon and tries to get it in her mouth herself! She's just getting food once a day in the evenings, and I mix it with a little bit of her cereal. I'm making it myself and it's been really easy so far - next veggie on the list is squash! I feel a little mean making her try squash since Phil and I don't even like it, but it'll be good for her : )


Unknown said...

omgosh! This is SO exciting!

btw I love squash!

Gramma :D

kimsiason said...

You're so good with your homemade food! I did that with Ry. I even put them in icecube trays (for indiv. servings) and froze them for later use. By the time #2 and #3 come around, they'll be eating out of jars!! Ha, ha, ha!!